Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Re-Inventing Myself

I love the person I'am and am continuing to become. Compared to the beginning of this year, I have become more out going, willing to try and experience new and wonderful things that I never thought I had the heart to do before. It's good to finally break out of my shell, not be so shy and timid about stupid things. I don't feel the need to have to please everyone ALL the time.
I think me realizing that I shouldn't have been wasting my time feeling sorry for what I hadn't done or accomplished in past situations but just be glad it happened and that I learned from it. Everything was what it was and I have learned from everything that God has challenged me with in life.
I must admit, I love the feeling of being free and being adventuras and just putting myself out there! I never thought I would be like this but I'm glad Iam. I'm still this kind hearted person with some strong Godly morals but with a hint of craziness hehe. Life is an amazing gift, people come and go in our lives who at one point mattered the most to us but one day, there will be this special person that will stick, be adveturous with me me, enjoy my crazy sarcastic ways and just appreciate me for me and not something they want to try and make me be. God is incontrol and when the timing is right "he" will enter into my path! Until then, living everyday as if it were an adventure, try something new and just enjoy Gods amazing blessings :)

Sunday, June 20, 2010


My last post was kind of a downer and made me look weak so it was best that I took that baby down. Since I wrote that blog so many things have come about, it's amazing how in only two weeks things can go from 0 to 100! Seriously, without prayer I probably wouldn't have made it! God knows what he is doing with my life I just needed to use and learn the meaning of the word "patience." I have been surrounding myself with positive people and it has been rubbing off on to me for sure. There are some new, exciting, wonderful people Ive been recently hanging out with, they made me forget everything that was keeping me down, I hope this relationship with this individual continues to grow but I dont want to jynx it so for now, mums the word lol.

The one big blessing that has happened is that my heart is FINALY free, I can honestly say that, that feeling and wonderment of a certain situation has completely vanished. I havent thought about any of it in over a week and thinking and writing about it now has brought no feeling or sadnees to me! I'am so happy to have finaly moved on and not care anymore, it's a weight that should have been lifted a long time ago, it's time to breathe and look forward to an amazing future :)

Also, on my theme of much needed change, I got a new hair do and I absolutely LOVE it!

It fits me and it is gonna go great with my new summer tan. Anyhoo I hope this week is just as awesome as the last two, hopefuly I'll get to see my two lovely besties for a girls day cuz I havent seen them in a week and I miss them something fierce! Here is looking forward and never looking back. God is soo amazing and in control of everything we just need to be PATIENT and let him take the wheel!